Spring Lake Village: A number of years ago Spring Lake Village hired Nolte Media to produce a promotional video for their retirement community. This became one of the more delightful projects I've worked on this decade. I was honored to be granted interviews with a number of the residents who shared their lives and adventures with me: where they've lived, their avocations, family life, and how they finally came to reside at Spring Lake Village. It was fascinating to hear these colorful stories and catch a peek into their rich and varied lives. Then it was quite fun determinating how best to incorporate these tales into the promo. I feel the semi-documentary approach we took turned what could have been your standard company video, replete with cliches and marketing spin, into a real piece about real people in a real place. And now we're back! A number of details have changed about the community and their video needs to reflect those changes. So, once again, I get to hear a few stories, share a meal or two, visit their garden, and earn a few bucks at the same time. Life is good. (Click here to view promo clip on Spring Lake Village in Video Clips section) |
Pink Dress Promo Attempting to get an indie feature film produced in this day of diminished funding dollars is a roller coaster ride that often requires a bit of Dramamine. (Or else a healthy shot or two of Jack.) In other words: not easy. But as my incredible team can attest, it sure was fun. Producing the two minute promo for our mystery drama Pink Dress was quite intense. Four full days with cast and crew in sundry locations (with tiny budget) was a tricky challenge; but as always, we climbed the mountain and relished the view. We are presently in the fundraising stage for this very topical feature film project: You can take a look at our promo HERE or visit the Pink Dress web site HERE. |
The Institute for Active Learning Early in my video career I met a Berkeley professor who -- after a few glasses of wine in a lovely restaurant overlooking San Francisco Harbor -- I decided was probably brilliant, a bit eccentric, and someone I could never work with. Well, over two decades later, we still share a glass of wine now and then, as well as a great working relationship on the numerous projects we have produced. Oscar Pemantle, Director of The Institute for Active Learning, has always been a fervent proponent of the Socratic Method of teaching and now, through the Institute, he works tirelessly to bring this technique into the educational dialogue. Nolte Media has built the Institute's web site, edited various video programs, and is now in the process of shooting/editing footage for the Institute's Inter-American dialogue Building Bridges Not Fences. We were instrumental in connecting Oscar with Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey and State Senator Pat Wiggins for assistance in contacting the Minister of Education in Havana, Cuba where the Institute plans on holding one of their flagship Math Competitions. These events are lively demonstrations of the Socratic Method and have experienced great success here in Northern California and in 2008, the poor and troubled region of Culiacan, Mexico. So, I'm getting my passport renewed, my bags packed, and practicing my Salsa steps. Cuba, aquí venimos! (Click here to visit The Institute for Active Learning's web site) |